Botafogo  vs  Peñarol

H2H statistics for Botafogo vs Peñarol: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two soccer teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Botafogo vs Peñarol Head-to-Head comparison.

Tables Botafogo Peñarol
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Matches Played 2 1 1 2 1 1
Wins 1 1 0 1 1 0
Draws 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses 1 0 1 1 0 1
Goals for 6 5 1 3 3 0
Goals against 3 0 3 6 1 5
Points 3 3 0 3 3 0
Botafogo Peñarol
31/10 Copa Libertadores Peñarol A
3 - 1
26/10 Serie A Rb Bragantino A
0 - 1
24/10 Copa Libertadores Peñarol H
5 - 0
18/10 Serie A Criciúma H
1 - 1
05/10 Serie A Athletico Par.. A
0 - 1
29/09 Serie A Grêmio H
0 - 0
26/09 Copa Libertadores São Paulo A
1 - 1P
21/09 Serie A Fluminense A
0 - 1
24/10 Copa Libertadores Peñarol
5 - 0
18/10 Serie A Criciúma
1 - 1
29/09 Serie A Grêmio
0 - 0
19/09 Copa Libertadores São Paulo
0 - 0
15/09 Serie A Corinthians
2 - 1
01/09 Serie A Fortaleza
2 - 0
18/08 Serie A Flamengo
4 - 1
15/08 Copa Libertadores Palmeiras
2 - 1
31/10 Copa Libertadores Peñarol
3 - 1
26/10 Serie A Rb Bragantino
0 - 1
05/10 Serie A Athletico Par..
0 - 1
26/09 Copa Libertadores São Paulo
1 - 1P
21/09 Serie A Fluminense
0 - 1
25/08 Serie A Bahia
0 - 0
22/08 Copa Libertadores Palmeiras
2 - 2
11/08 Serie A Juventude
3 - 2
31/10 Copa Libertadores Botafogo H
3 - 1
24/10 Copa Libertadores Botafogo A
5 - 0
26/09 Copa Libertadores Flamengo H
0 - 0
19/09 Copa Libertadores Flamengo A
0 - 1
21/08 Copa Libertadores The Strongest A
1 - 0
14/08 Copa Libertadores The Strongest H
4 - 0
28/05 Copa Libertadores Rosario Central H
2 - 1
14/05 Copa Libertadores Atlético Mine.. H
2 - 0
31/10 Copa Libertadores Botafogo
3 - 1
26/09 Copa Libertadores Flamengo
0 - 0
14/08 Copa Libertadores The Strongest
4 - 0
28/05 Copa Libertadores Rosario Central
2 - 1
14/05 Copa Libertadores Atlético Mine..
2 - 0
11/04 Copa Libertadores Caracas
5 - 0
30/06 Copa Sudamericana América Mineiro
1 - 2
06/06 Copa Sudamericana Defensa Y Jus..
0 - 3
24/10 Copa Libertadores Botafogo
5 - 0
19/09 Copa Libertadores Flamengo
0 - 1
21/08 Copa Libertadores The Strongest
1 - 0
07/05 Copa Libertadores Caracas
0 - 1
24/04 Copa Libertadores Atlético Mine..
3 - 2
04/04 Copa Libertadores Rosario Central
1 - 0
24/05 Copa Sudamericana Millonarios
3 - 1
05/05 Copa Sudamericana Defensa Y Jus..
4 - 1
Tables Botafogo Peñarol
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Matches Played 8 3 5 8 5 3
Wins 4 1 3 5 4 1
Draws 3 2 1 1 1 0
Losses 1 0 1 2 0 2
Goals for 11 6 5 12 11 1
Goals against 5 1 4 8 2 6
Points 15 5 10 16 13 3
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.
Botafogo Peñarol
Serie A, Brazil Total Home Away
Rank 1
Matches Played 31 15 16
Wins 19 10 9
Draws 7 3 4
Losses 5 2 3
Goals for 49 25 24
Goals against 26 11 15
Points 64 33 31
Clean sheets 14 7 7
Failed to score 3 2 1
Avg. goals scored p/m 1.58 1.67 1.5
Avg. goals conceded p/m 0.84 0.73 0.94
Avg. time 1st goal scored 42m 45m 40m
Avg. time 1st goal conceded 36m 47m 27m
Matches over 2.5 goals 45.21% 46.67% 43.75%
Matches under 2.5 goals 54.79% 53.33% 56.25%
Goals scored 90.21% 86.67% 93.75%
Goals conceded 54.79% 53.33% 56.25%
Primera División, Uruguay Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 30 15 15
Wins 16 9 7
Draws 12 6 6
Losses 2 0 2
Goals for 49 28 21
Goals against 21 8 13
Points 60 33 27
Clean sheets 2 1 1
Failed to score 2 1 1
Avg. goals scored p/m 1.63 1.87 1.4
Avg. goals conceded p/m 0.7 0.53 0.87
Avg. time 1st goal scored 39m 44m 36m
Avg. time 1st goal conceded 31m 38m 30m
Matches over 2.5 goals 25% 50% 0%
Matches under 2.5 goals 75% 50% 100%
Goals scored 25% 50% 0%
Goals conceded 25% 50% 0%
Brazil Rafael Navarro 15 1
Brazil Marco Antônio 9 0
Brazil Diego Gonçalves 8 1
Brazil Chay 8
Brazil Warley 3 0
Argentina J. Carli 2 0
Brazil Pedro Castro 2 0
Brazil Luís Oyama 2 0
Brazil Rafael Martiniano de Miranda 1 0
Brazil Carlos Emiliano Pereira 1 0
Brazil Daniel Borges 1 0
Brazil Felipe Ferreira 1 0
Brazil Romildo Del Piage 1 0
Uruguay A. Álvarez 13 0
Uruguay P. Ceppelini 8 2
Uruguay F. Torres 6 1
Argentina A. Nahuelpán 4 0
Uruguay A. Canobbio 4 0
Uruguay R. Bentancourt 3 0
Uruguay J. Trindade 3 0
Uruguay C. Rodríguez 2 0
Uruguay I. Laquintana 2 0
Uruguay W. Gargano 1 0
Uruguay M. Pereira 1
Uruguay G. Kagelmacher 1 0
First Goals
Brazil Rafael Navarro 7
Brazil Marco Antônio 4
Brazil Diego Gonçalves 3
Brazil Pedro Castro 2
Brazil Marcinho 2
Brazil Warley 2
Argentina J. Carli 1
Brazil Romildo Del Piage 1
Uruguay A. Álvarez 5
Argentina N. Gaitán 1
Uruguay G. Kagelmacher 1
Uruguay F. Formiliano 1
Uruguay J. Trindade 1
Uruguay G. González 1
Uruguay A. Canobbio 1
Botafogo Pts
Brazil Barreto 6 0 1 9
Brazil Kanu 5 1 0 7
Brazil Warley 4 1 0 6
Brazil Pedro Castro 5 0 0 5
Brazil Luís Oyama 5 0 0 5
Brazil Rafael Navarro 5 0 0 5
Brazil Gilvan 4 0 0 4
Brazil Rafael Martiniano de Miranda 3 0 0 3
Brazil Guilherme Santos 3 0 0 3
Argentina J. Carli 3 0 0 3
Brazil Diego Gonçalves 3 0 0 3
Brazil Chay 3 0 0 3
Brazil Carlos Emiliano Pereira 2 0 0 2
Brazil Rafael Carioca 2 0 0 2
Brazil Marco Antônio 2 0 0 2
Brazil Ronald 2 0 0 2
Brazil Diego Loureiro 2 0 0 2
Brazil Romildo Del Piage 2 0 0 2
Brazil Ricardinho 1 0 0 1
Brazil Matheus Frizzo 1 0 0 1
Brazil Luiz Henrique 1 0 0 1
Brazil Paulo Victor 1 0 0 1
Brazil Hugo 1 0 0 1
Peñarol Pts
Argentina D. Musto 9 0 0 9
Uruguay G. Kagelmacher 6 1 0 8
Uruguay V. Rodríguez 5 1 0 7
Uruguay W. Gargano 6 0 0 6
Uruguay P. Ceppelini 6 0 0 6
Uruguay A. Canobbio 6 0 0 6
Uruguay E. Elizalde 3 0 1 6
Uruguay G. González 5 0 0 5
Uruguay A. Álvarez 5 0 0 5
Argentina A. Nahuelpán 1 0 1 4
Uruguay M. Pereira 3 0 0 3
Uruguay C. Rodríguez 3 0 0 3
Uruguay J. Trindade 3 0 0 3
Uruguay A. Álvarez 3 0 0 3
Argentina N. Gaitán 2 0 0 2
Uruguay K. Dawson 2 0 0 2
Uruguay R. Bentancourt 2 0 0 2
Uruguay R. Abascal 2 0 0 2
Uruguay G. Freitas 1 0 0 1
Uruguay J. Ramos 1 0 0 1
Uruguay J. Acosta 1 0 0 1
Uruguay I. Laquintana 1 0 0 1
Uruguay C. Olivera 1 0 0 1
Uruguay M. Alonso 1 0 0 1
We have allocated points to each yellow (1 point), yellow-red (2 points) and red card (3 points) for ranking purposes. Please note that this does not represent any official rankings.