Cracovia  vs  Zagłębie Lubin

H2H statistics for Cracovia vs Zagłębie Lubin: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two soccer teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Cracovia vs Zagłębie Lubin Head-to-Head comparison.

Tables Cracovia Zagłębie Lubin
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Matches Played 10 6 4 10 4 6
Wins 4 3 1 2 0 2
Draws 4 1 3 4 3 1
Losses 2 2 0 4 1 3
Goals for 12 7 5 10 3 7
Goals against 10 7 3 12 5 7
Points 16 10 6 10 3 7
Cracovia Zagłębie Lubin
08/12 Ekstraklasa Piast Gliwice A
0 - 0
29/11 Ekstraklasa Zagłębie Lubin H
1 - 1
23/11 Ekstraklasa Legia Warsaw A
3 - 2
09/11 Ekstraklasa Gks Katowice H
3 - 4
03/11 Ekstraklasa Lechia Gdańsk A
1 - 2
26/10 Ekstraklasa Motor Lublin H
6 - 2
19/10 Ekstraklasa Lech Poznań H
0 - 2
06/10 Ekstraklasa Slask Wroclaw A
2 - 4
29/11 Ekstraklasa Zagłębie Lubin
1 - 1
09/11 Ekstraklasa Gks Katowice
3 - 4
26/10 Ekstraklasa Motor Lublin
6 - 2
19/10 Ekstraklasa Lech Poznań
0 - 2
30/09 Ekstraklasa Stal Mielec
1 - 1
14/09 Ekstraklasa Pogon Szczecin
2 - 1
24/08 Ekstraklasa Górnik Zabrze
3 - 2
05/08 Ekstraklasa Widzew Łódź
1 - 3
08/12 Ekstraklasa Piast Gliwice
0 - 0
23/11 Ekstraklasa Legia Warsaw
3 - 2
03/11 Ekstraklasa Lechia Gdańsk
1 - 2
06/10 Ekstraklasa Slask Wroclaw
2 - 4
24/09 Cup Sandecja Nowy..
3 - 2
21/09 Ekstraklasa Puszcza Niepo..
1 - 2
31/08 Ekstraklasa Radomiak Radom
2 - 1
17/08 Ekstraklasa Jagiellonia B..
2 - 4
08/12 Ekstraklasa Legia Warsaw H
0 - 3
04/12 Cup Pogon Szczecin A
4 - 3
29/11 Ekstraklasa Cracovia A
1 - 1
22/11 Ekstraklasa Motor Lublin H
1 - 2
09/11 Ekstraklasa Widzew Łódź A
2 - 0
04/11 Ekstraklasa Slask Wroclaw H
3 - 0
31/10 Cup Warta Poznań A
0 - 3
27/10 Ekstraklasa Stal Mielec A
2 - 2
08/12 Ekstraklasa Legia Warsaw
0 - 3
22/11 Ekstraklasa Motor Lublin
1 - 2
04/11 Ekstraklasa Slask Wroclaw
3 - 0
19/10 Ekstraklasa Jagiellonia B..
1 - 3
29/09 Ekstraklasa Radomiak Radom
1 - 0
31/08 Ekstraklasa Gks Katowice
1 - 0
17/08 Ekstraklasa Lech Poznań
0 - 1
02/08 Ekstraklasa Puszcza Niepo..
1 - 0
04/12 Cup Pogon Szczecin
4 - 3
29/11 Ekstraklasa Cracovia
1 - 1
09/11 Ekstraklasa Widzew Łódź
2 - 0
31/10 Cup Warta Poznań
0 - 3
27/10 Ekstraklasa Stal Mielec
2 - 2
05/10 Ekstraklasa Górnik Zabrze
0 - 1
26/09 Cup Podbeskidzie
0 - 0P
22/09 Ekstraklasa Rakow Czestoc..
5 - 1
Tables Cracovia Zagłębie Lubin
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Matches Played 8 4 4 8 3 5
Wins 3 1 2 2 1 1
Draws 2 1 1 2 0 2
Losses 3 2 1 4 2 2
Goals for 18 10 8 13 4 9
Goals against 15 9 6 14 5 9
Points 11 4 7 8 3 5
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.
Cracovia Zagłębie Lubin
Ekstraklasa, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 5
Matches Played 18 9 9
Wins 9 3 6
Draws 4 3 1
Losses 5 3 2
Goals for 36 18 18
Goals against 28 17 11
Points 31 12 19
Clean sheets 3 0 3
Failed to score 2 1 1
Avg. goals scored p/m 2 2 2
Avg. goals conceded p/m 1.56 1.89 1.22
Avg. time 1st goal scored 31m 35m 28m
Avg. time 1st goal conceded 29m 35m 19m
Matches over 2.5 goals 61.12% 55.56% 66.67%
Matches under 2.5 goals 38.88% 44.44% 33.33%
Goals scored 88.89% 88.89% 88.89%
Goals conceded 83.34% 100% 66.67%
Ekstraklasa, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 13
Matches Played 18 9 9
Wins 5 4 1
Draws 4 1 3
Losses 9 4 5
Goals for 16 10 6
Goals against 27 11 16
Points 19 13 6
Clean sheets 5 4 1
Failed to score 6 2 4
Avg. goals scored p/m 0.89 1.11 0.67
Avg. goals conceded p/m 1.5 1.22 1.78
Avg. time 1st goal scored 55m 54m 56m
Avg. time 1st goal conceded 28m 23m 30m
Matches over 2.5 goals 38.89% 55.56% 22.22%
Matches under 2.5 goals 61.11% 44.44% 77.78%
Goals scored 66.67% 77.78% 55.56%
Goals conceded 72.22% 55.56% 88.89%
Finland B. Källman 11 3
Denmark M. Maigaard 5 0
Iceland D. Ólafsson 4 0
Netherlands M. van Buren 3 1
Romania V. Ghiță 3 0
Czechia J. Jugas 2 0
Poland M. Bochnak 2 0
Bosnia Herzegovina A. Hasić 2 1
Georgia O. Kakabadze 1 0
Poland F. Rózga 1 0
Poland F. Bzdyl 1 0
Zagłębie Lubin
Poland M. Wdowiak 3 0
Poland T. Pieńko 3 1
Poland M. Mróz 2 0
Poland M. Grzybek 1 0
Poland H. Adamczyk 1 0
Poland J. Jach 1 0
Poland D. Kurminowski 1 1
Czechia V. Sejk 1 0
Poland A. Ławniczak 1 0
Poland I. Orlikowski 1 0
Poland M. Reguła 1 0
First Goals
Finland B. Källman 3
Denmark M. Maigaard 2
Romania V. Ghiță 1
North Macedonia J. Atanasov 1
Poland F. Bzdyl 1
Zagłębie Lubin
Poland M. Grzybek 2
Poland T. Pieńko 2
Poland H. Adamczyk 1
Poland I. Orlikowski 1
Cracovia Pts
Poland F. Rózga 6 0 0 6
Georgia O. Kakabadze 5 0 0 5
Poland K. Glik 4 0 0 4
Iraq Amir Al Ammari 3 0 0 3
Czechia J. Jugas 2 0 0 2
Poland P. Sokołowski 2 0 0 2
Iceland D. Ólafsson 2 0 0 2
Slovakia H. Ravas 2 0 0 2
Romania V. Ghiță 2 0 0 2
North Macedonia J. Atanasov 2 0 0 2
Bosnia Herzegovina A. Hasić 2 0 0 2
Netherlands M. van Buren 1 0 0 1
Denmark M. Maigaard 1 0 0 1
Finland A. Hoskonen 1 0 0 1
Denmark A. Skovgaard 1 0 0 1
Poland M. Rakoczy 1 0 0 1
Zagłębie Lubin Pts
Poland M. Nalepa 2 1 2 10
Poland D. Dąbrowski 5 0 0 5
Poland A. Radwański 3 0 0 3
Poland J. Jach 2 0 0 2
Poland M. Mróz 2 0 0 2
Czechia V. Sejk 2 0 0 2
Poland B. Kłudka 2 0 0 2
Poland B. Kopacz 1 0 0 1
Poland M. Grzybek 1 0 0 1
Portugal Luís Mata 1 0 0 1
Poland D. Hładun 1 0 0 1
Poland M. Wdowiak 1 0 0 1
Poland T. Makowski 1 0 0 1
Poland D. Kurminowski 1 0 0 1
Poland A. Ławniczak 1 0 0 1
We have allocated points to each yellow (1 point), yellow-red (2 points) and red card (3 points) for ranking purposes. Please note that this does not represent any official rankings.