Gares  vs  Pamplona

H2H statistics for Gares vs Pamplona: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two soccer teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Gares vs Pamplona Head-to-Head comparison.

Tables Gares Pamplona
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Matches Played 3 1 2 3 2 1
Wins 0 0 0 2 1 1
Draws 1 0 1 1 1 0
Losses 2 1 1 0 0 0
Goals for 2 0 2 6 4 2
Goals against 6 2 4 2 2 0
Points 1 0 1 7 4 3
Gares Pamplona
31/10 Tercera Division Pamplona A
3 - 1
26/10 Tercera Division Cirbonero H
0 - 2
19/10 Tercera Division Cortes A
1 - 0
12/10 Tercera Division Valle Egüés H
0 - 3
05/10 Tercera Division Txantrea A
1 - 0
27/09 Tercera Division San Juan H
1 - 1
21/09 Tercera Division Bidezarra A
2 - 0
15/09 Tercera Division Burladés H
2 - 2
26/10 Tercera Division Cirbonero
0 - 2
12/10 Tercera Division Valle Egüés
0 - 3
27/09 Tercera Division San Juan
1 - 1
15/09 Tercera Division Burladés
2 - 2
24/04 Tercera Division Cortes
0 - 4
01/04 Tercera Division Txantrea
0 - 1
20/03 Tercera Division Cantolagua
1 - 4
04/03 Tercera Division Burladés
1 - 1
31/10 Tercera Division Pamplona
3 - 1
19/10 Tercera Division Cortes
1 - 0
05/10 Tercera Division Txantrea
1 - 0
21/09 Tercera Division Bidezarra
2 - 0
07/09 Tercera Division Cantolagua
2 - 0
30/04 Tercera Division Murchante
1 - 0
09/04 Tercera Division Huarte
4 - 0
27/03 Tercera Division Subiza
4 - 0
31/10 Tercera Division Gares H
3 - 1
26/10 Tercera Division Beti Kozkor H
2 - 2
20/10 Tercera Division Cirbonero A
1 - 2
12/10 Tercera Division Cortes H
0 - 0
05/10 Tercera Division Valle Egüés A
0 - 0
28/09 Tercera Division Txantrea H
2 - 0
21/09 Tercera Division San Juan A
1 - 1
14/09 Tercera Division Bidezarra H
0 - 0
31/10 Tercera Division Gares
3 - 1
26/10 Tercera Division Beti Kozkor
2 - 2
12/10 Tercera Division Cortes
0 - 0
28/09 Tercera Division Txantrea
2 - 0
14/09 Tercera Division Bidezarra
0 - 0
05/05 Tercera Division Cantolagua
1 - 0
27/04 Tercera Division Lagunak
1 - 1
14/04 Tercera Division Txantrea
1 - 2
20/10 Tercera Division Cirbonero
1 - 2
05/10 Tercera Division Valle Egüés
0 - 0
21/09 Tercera Division San Juan
1 - 1
07/09 Tercera Division Burladés
2 - 3
11/05 Tercera Division Cortes
1 - 0
01/05 Tercera Division Bidezarra
0 - 0
20/04 Tercera Division Ardoi
3 - 1
10/04 Tercera Division Huarte
1 - 1
Tables Gares Pamplona
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Matches Played 8 4 4 8 5 3
Wins 0 0 0 3 2 1
Draws 2 2 0 5 3 2
Losses 6 2 4 0 0 0
Goals for 4 3 1 10 7 3
Goals against 15 8 7 5 3 2
Points 2 2 0 14 9 5
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.
Gares Pamplona
Tercera Division, Spain Total Home Away
Rank 18
Matches Played 9 4 5
Wins 0 0 0
Draws 2 2 0
Losses 7 2 5
Goals for 4 3 1
Goals against 17 8 9
Points 2 2 0
Clean sheets 0 0 0
Failed to score 6 2 4
Avg. goals scored p/m 0.44 0.75 0.2
Avg. goals conceded p/m 1.89 2 1.8
Avg. time 1st goal scored 76m 76m 47m
Avg. time 1st goal conceded 58m 51m 63m
Matches over 2.5 goals 35% 50% 20%
Matches under 2.5 goals 65% 50% 80%
Goals scored 35% 50% 20%
Goals conceded 100% 100% 100%
Tercera Division, Spain Total Home Away
Rank 4
Matches Played 9 5 4
Wins 4 2 2
Draws 5 3 2
Losses 0 0 0
Goals for 13 7 6
Goals against 7 3 4
Points 17 9 8
Clean sheets 4 3 1
Failed to score 3 2 1
Avg. goals scored p/m 1.44 1.4 1.5
Avg. goals conceded p/m 0.78 0.6 1
Avg. time 1st goal scored 41m 31m 46m
Avg. time 1st goal conceded 34m 46m 34m
Matches over 2.5 goals 45% 40% 50%
Matches under 2.5 goals 55% 60% 50%
Goals scored 67.5% 60% 75%
Goals conceded 57.5% 40% 75%
Spain Igor Orbegozo 1
Spain Sergio Amadoz 1
Spain Álvaro Velaz 1
Spain Gorka Ilundáin 1
Spain Iker Gil 1
Spain Diego Peña 1
First Goals
Gares Pts
Spain Beñat Puerta 5 0 0 5
Spain Igor Orbegozo 4 0 0 4
Spain Jabier Ezquieta 1 0 1 4
Spain Daniel Galdeano 4 0 0 4
Spain Julen Asín 3 0 0 3
Spain Fernando Monasterio 3 0 0 3
Spain Adrián Izco 2 0 0 2
Spain Lucas Maeztu 2 0 0 2
Spain Ander Lamberto 2 0 0 2
Spain Iñaki Sarasíbar 1 0 0 1
Spain Julen Picón 1 0 0 1
Spain Beñat Nuin 1 0 0 1
Pamplona Pts
Spain Odei Pérez 2 0 0 2
Spain Javi Zapata 1 0 0 1
Spain Iñaki Tristán 1 0 0 1
Spain Fernando Francés 1 0 0 1
Spain Xavi Bezunartea 1 0 0 1
Spain Hodei Urriza 1 0 0 1
Spain Yoel Baigorri 1 0 0 1
Spain Diego Peña 1 0 0 1
We have allocated points to each yellow (1 point), yellow-red (2 points) and red card (3 points) for ranking purposes. Please note that this does not represent any official rankings.