Novi Pazar  vs  Vojvodina

H2H statistics for Novi Pazar vs Vojvodina: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two soccer teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Novi Pazar vs Vojvodina Head-to-Head comparison.

Tables Novi Pazar Vojvodina
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Matches Played 10 4 6 10 6 4
Wins 2 1 1 6 5 1
Draws 2 2 0 2 0 2
Losses 6 1 5 2 1 1
Goals for 7 5 2 17 10 7
Goals against 17 7 10 7 2 5
Points 8 5 3 20 15 5
Novi Pazar Vojvodina
29/11 Super Liga Vojvodina H
0 - 4
23/11 Super Liga Spartak Subot.. A
1 - 1
09/11 Super Liga Radnički Niš A
2 - 1
03/11 Super Liga Imt Novi Beog.. H
3 - 1
26/10 Super Liga Železničar Pa.. A
0 - 1
21/10 Super Liga Partizan H
3 - 4
06/10 Super Liga Napredak A
2 - 1
02/10 Super Liga Vojvodina A
0 - 1
29/11 Super Liga Vojvodina
0 - 4
03/11 Super Liga Imt Novi Beog..
3 - 1
21/10 Super Liga Partizan
3 - 4
28/09 Super Liga Radnički Krag..
2 - 0
15/09 Super Liga Cukaricki
2 - 2
31/08 Super Liga Jedinstvo Ub
3 - 1
17/08 Super Liga Mladost Lučani
0 - 1
03/08 Super Liga Ofk Beograd
0 - 0
23/11 Super Liga Spartak Subot..
1 - 1
09/11 Super Liga Radnički Niš
2 - 1
26/10 Super Liga Železničar Pa..
0 - 1
06/10 Super Liga Napredak
2 - 1
02/10 Super Liga Vojvodina
0 - 1
21/09 Super Liga Tsc
5 - 2
24/08 Super Liga Tekstilac Odž..
2 - 1
10/08 Super Liga Red Star Belg..
4 - 1
29/11 Super Liga Novi Pazar A
0 - 4
23/11 Super Liga Tekstilac Odž.. H
0 - 0
09/11 Super Liga Mladost Lučani H
0 - 0
03/11 Super Liga Red Star Belg.. A
3 - 0
26/10 Super Liga Ofk Beograd H
2 - 1
19/10 Super Liga Jedinstvo Ub A
1 - 1
06/10 Super Liga Spartak Subot.. A
0 - 4
02/10 Super Liga Novi Pazar H
0 - 1
23/11 Super Liga Tekstilac Odž..
0 - 0
09/11 Super Liga Mladost Lučani
0 - 0
26/10 Super Liga Ofk Beograd
2 - 1
02/10 Super Liga Novi Pazar
0 - 1
28/09 Super Liga Radnički Niš
3 - 3
14/09 Super Liga Železničar Pa..
2 - 0
25/08 Super Liga Napredak
1 - 2
11/08 Super Liga Tsc
1 - 3
29/11 Super Liga Novi Pazar
0 - 4
03/11 Super Liga Red Star Belg..
3 - 0
19/10 Super Liga Jedinstvo Ub
1 - 1
06/10 Super Liga Spartak Subot..
0 - 4
22/09 Super Liga Imt Novi Beog..
0 - 3
01/09 Super Liga Partizan
0 - 0
19/08 Super Liga Radnički Krag..
2 - 2
04/08 Super Liga Cukaricki
3 - 1
Tables Novi Pazar Vojvodina
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Matches Played 8 3 5 8 4 4
Wins 3 1 2 3 1 2
Draws 1 0 1 3 2 1
Losses 4 2 2 2 1 1
Goals for 11 6 5 11 2 9
Goals against 14 9 5 6 2 4
Points 10 3 7 12 5 7
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.
Novi Pazar Vojvodina
Super Liga, Serbia Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 17 9 8
Wins 6 4 2
Draws 3 2 1
Losses 8 3 5
Goals for 25 16 9
Goals against 31 15 16
Points 21 14 7
Clean sheets 4 2 2
Failed to score 3 3 0
Avg. goals scored p/m 1.47 1.78 1.12
Avg. goals conceded p/m 1.82 1.67 2
Avg. time 1st goal scored 31m 23m 37m
Avg. time 1st goal conceded 36m 32m 41m
Matches over 2.5 goals 64.58% 66.67% 62.5%
Matches under 2.5 goals 35.42% 33.33% 37.5%
Goals scored 83.34% 66.67% 100%
Goals conceded 76.39% 77.78% 75%
Super Liga, Serbia Total Home Away
Rank 7
Matches Played 17 8 9
Wins 6 2 4
Draws 6 3 3
Losses 5 3 2
Goals for 27 9 18
Goals against 20 10 10
Points 24 9 15
Clean sheets 7 3 4
Failed to score 5 3 2
Avg. goals scored p/m 1.59 1.12 2
Avg. goals conceded p/m 1.18 1.25 1.11
Avg. time 1st goal scored 35m 39m 32m
Avg. time 1st goal conceded 36m 30m 41m
Matches over 2.5 goals 63.89% 50% 77.78%
Matches under 2.5 goals 36.11% 50% 22.22%
Goals scored 70.14% 62.5% 77.78%
Goals conceded 59.03% 62.5% 55.56%
Novi Pazar
Serbia A. Ljajić 5 1
Montenegro U. Đuranović 4 0
Netherlands R. Antwi 4 0
Nigeria A. Adeshina 3
Serbia A. Mesarović 2 0
Serbia F. Bačkulja 2 0
Nigeria E. Opara 2
Serbia N. Miletić 1 0
Serbia D. Bojat 1 0
Côte d'Ivoire C. Zady Sery 6 0
Nigeria B. Yusuf 4 1
Montenegro A. Radulović 3 1
Serbia M. Veličković 3
Serbia N. Petrović 2 0
Serbia M. Poletanović 1 1
Serbia Đ. Crnomarković 1 0
Serbia A. Vukanović 1 0
Serbia D. Kokanović 1
Serbia M. Ivanović 1 0
First Goals
Novi Pazar
Montenegro U. Đuranović 2
Serbia N. Miletić 2
Netherlands R. Antwi 2
Serbia A. Ljajić 1
Serbia V. Vidaković 1
Serbia V. Živojinović 1
Nigeria B. Yusuf 4
Jamaica N. Campbell 3
Montenegro A. Kajević 2
Georgia G. Giorbelidze 1
Serbia A. Vukanović 1
Serbia N. Petrović 1
Luxembourg S. Korač 1
Côte d'Ivoire C. Zady Sery 1
Novi Pazar Pts
Nigeria A. Adeshina 5 0 0 5
Montenegro U. Đuranović 4 0 0 4
Serbia A. Kovačević 1 0 1 4
Serbia A. Mesarović 4 0 0 4
Serbia S. Islamović 4 0 0 4
Serbia F. Bačkulja 4 0 0 4
Serbia N. Miletić 3 0 0 3
Serbia D. Bojat 3 0 0 3
Serbia O. Mršić 3 0 0 3
Nigeria E. Opara 3 0 0 3
Serbia A. Ljajić 2 0 0 2
Serbia O. Bjeličić 2 0 0 2
Serbia V. Vidaković 2 0 0 2
Bosnia Herzegovina A. Ziljkić 2 0 0 2
Serbia S. Alić 2 0 0 2
Serbia I. Lakićević 1 0 0 1
Netherlands R. Antwi 1 0 0 1
Vojvodina Pts
Serbia N. Petrović 4 0 0 4
Luxembourg S. Korač 4 0 0 4
Romania M. Butean 3 0 0 3
Brazil Lucas Barros 3 0 0 3
Serbia Đ. Crnomarković 2 0 0 2
Nigeria B. Yusuf 2 0 0 2
Kenya C. Sichenje 2 0 0 2
Serbia L. Drobnjak 2 0 0 2
Serbia M. Poletanović 1 0 0 1
Montenegro V. Savićević 1 0 0 1
Serbia D. Rosić 1 0 0 1
Montenegro A. Radulović 1 0 0 1
Serbia P. Sukacev 1 0 0 1
We have allocated points to each yellow (1 point), yellow-red (2 points) and red card (3 points) for ranking purposes. Please note that this does not represent any official rankings.